I wish I'd caught Addy earlier in her treacherous downward spiral. But thank God I caught her when I did. For some of my friends it took years to recover their health, or they are still working on it. After not catching their adrenal fatigue until they couldn't get out of bed or open their eyelids or were prescribed bed rest for six months.
If you have several of the symptoms or want to learn more, I recommend reading the excellent books out there on the subject. They helped me more than anything:

So #1, read these books, or at least the first one. If you feel as crappy as I did, you will devour whatever information you can find on the subject.
#2, get as much sleep and rest as you possibly can. 10-12 hours per night, no joke. Go to bed before 10 PM (before you get your second wind) and sleep as late as you can (7-9:00 AM offers the most restorative sleep for Addy sufferers...that's why I'm always late for work, Glenn...sorry).
#3, cut back on everything you possibly can: work, social life, activities, even exercise (don't push yourself). Be sensitive to your body and don't extend yourself beyond your limits if at all possible. If a panhandler is asking you for money and you feel stressed and suffocated, walk away. If you're at a crowded party and you can't hear yourself talk and nobody else can and it's driving you crazy, leave. If you don't feel like going out, stay home and watch a movie. This will be the hardest thing you've ever done, because the very things you love--being active and driven and conscientious and social--have put you in this state of fatigue. Your friends may not understand (mine have been great), and you may not be able to explain it to them. But you have to do this to get better, to be your true self again someday.
#4, cut out all sweets, caffeine, and alcohol from your diet. And avoid as much refined sugar, white flour, and processed food as you can. This is not as hard as you think if you feel like you have the flu all the time. These things are only dragging your body down and will greatly prolong the recovery process. Plus, if you don't have a life anymore, like me, it's not so hard to avoid them. And you can have fun with creative alternatives like Postum (coffee drink with no caffeine), green tea, treating yourself at your fav healthy restaurant every day for lunch even though it's expensive (that would be Teaism! and salmon ochazuke!), popcorn from your roomie's nifty hot air popper, brightly colored fruits (which aid in recovery) when you crave sweets, and dessert alternatives like yummy homemade yogurt parfaits. It's not so bad, nor is it forever. And if you fudge, you pay (as I did for 2.5 days last weekend).
#5, call my doctor in Atlanta and make a phone appointment. He's an alternative doctor, so insurance probably won't cover it. He's $250/hour on the phone, but if you've done your homework, you can just say these are my symptoms, I think I have adrenal fatigue, send me the saliva test...like I did, and save yourself some money. The saliva test (spit test my friends called it) is another $200 but totally worth the clear direction and peace of mind at nailing down a diagnosis. Sounds gross, and it is. You spit into one of four vials every 6 hours during the course of one full day (yes, vile). It's hard to work up that much spit. But...it could be a LOT worse. Then you stick the box in the mail, that simple. Adrenal fatigue does not show up on blood tests except in the most extreme cases (where your adrenal glands have completely shut down). A saliva test is the most effective way to measure cortisol, and taking it several times during the course of a typical day is also helpful in seeing trends. My cortisol level was way below the normal range in the morning and early afternoon, then rose in late afternoon and evening into the normal range. That is exactly on point with adrenal fatigue, and corresponded to how I felt during the day (unable to get out of bed in the morning, crash in mid-morning, crash in mid-afternoon, and then feeling better around 5:00...at the end of the work day, how convenient).
So Dr. Taylor's number is 678.443.4000, and he and his staff are super friendly and helpful. Of course they are, they're in Atlanta.
Also, please don't hesitate to contact me with questions or fears or whatever. janelDOTreidATgmailDOTcom
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