Saturday, March 11, 2017

Hashimoto's in a nutshell

I watched this interview with Dr. Izabella Wentz the other night while folding laundry (which is the only way watching or laundry gets done!). Wow! Such wise distilled, practical knowledge from someone who truly understands. She explains what Hashimoto's is and how to cure it in simple terms and doable steps (much of which I am doing through my nutritionist friend Jessica Bischoff, whom I recommend far and wide!)

Dr Wentz says...

97% of people on thyroid supplement have Hashimoto's (the thyroid autoimmune disease)

27% of the US population have Hashimoto's

20% of mental illness is caused by Hashimoto's

If you have adrenal fatigue (the adrenals and thyroid work so closely together and if one is unbalanced, the other one probably is too) or take thyroid supplement of any kind, please do yourself a favor and listen to this! It could save you alot of time, energy, money, LIFE.