When it comes to immunity...
...it's not so much about fighting or avoiding every germ. We all have cancer cells in our bodies, and a strong body keeps them under control and from spreading.
...it's not about chasing symptoms and simply getting comfortable and pain- or irritation-free again.
It's about strengthening our bodies. It's about looking for the root cause of sickness.
Symptoms are simply the smoke alarm going off to alert us to a problem inside our bodies, forcing us to take action and look for the "fire." (Not beat the heck out of the alarm or remove the battery. ; ) )
Here is a mental list I've collected over the years of immune-boosting foods and remedies that strengthen our bodies, and that we try to use regularly, and especially during sick season and while sick:
coconut oil
gobs of bone broth soup
herbal teas with cinnamon, clove, herbal chais, etc.
lemon juice and manuka honey
Berry Well elderberry juice supplement from Beeyoutiful.com
Bragg's apple cider vinegar
fermented food and drink from our PA farmer (delivered to our door...ask me about it!): beet kvass, sauerkraut, fermented pickles, kombucha
minimizing sugar and sweets, and using good sweeteners like stevia, raw honey, good agave, and real maple syrup from PA
lots of organic onions and garlic in cooking
Aaaaaaaaaaand a variety of brands we used to use, but don't anymore because we've found something much more powerful and worth our money...
Young Living essential oils! EOs are simply the most powerful part of the plant. The Premium Starter Kit contains 11 important immune-boosting oils (that we use daily and don't let go "out of stock" in our house!) plus a diffuser...that's where we started for immunity and wellness (my story and ordering info here)
Thieves oil (the big immunity one...it's in the Premium Starter Kit)
Ningxia Red
(1.5 oz a day for me, .5 oz a day for the kids...made a big diff for us last winter!)
Super C
(tablets for me, chewables for kids)
Thieves mouthwash
(I swish and gargle daily...wow, packs a punch)
Thieves spray
(spray little and big hands every time we get back in the car from being out)
Inner Defense capsules
(or my own capsules with 2-3 drops each of Oregano, Thyme, Lemongrass, Thieves, and Frankincense)
Life 9
(amazing probiotic)
Thieves cough drops
Lemon and other citrus oils in water
(gentle detox and immune-booster)
We use most of this stuff DAILY, esp during the winter.
Our bodies are made to heal themselves, but we have to give them what they need (and were made to run on)...consistently! You don't put gas in your car a few times a year. ;)
Wellness is complicated and our bodies are "fearfully and wonderfully made." We need to get sick sometimes for detox and rest. But there's so much we can do to be proactive, and God has given us so many beautiful, natural, safe, side-effect-free and truly nourishing "wellness treats" to use!
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