I watched this interview with Dr. Izabella Wentz the other night while folding laundry (which is the only way watching or laundry gets done!). Wow! Such wise distilled, practical knowledge from someone who truly understands. She explains what Hashimoto's is and how to cure it in simple terms and doable steps (much of which I am doing through my nutritionist friend Jessica Bischoff, whom I recommend far and wide!)
Dr Wentz says...
97% of people on thyroid supplement have Hashimoto's (the thyroid autoimmune disease)
27% of the US population have Hashimoto's
20% of mental illness is caused by Hashimoto's
If you have adrenal fatigue (the adrenals and thyroid work so closely together and if one is unbalanced, the other one probably is too) or take thyroid supplement of any kind, please do yourself a favor and listen to this! It could save you alot of time, energy, money, LIFE.
Thanks for your blog!!
I've recently started the long journey to better health. Quit alcohol, sugar, processed carbs a couple months ago and have gradually learned more and more stuff to the point that I feel like I don't know what to do. haha.
First, I found this doctor called Eric Bakker aka The 'Candida Crusher' on youtube and did some test to find out I have that.
Then, from learning further from Dr. Bakker, I found that if I have adrenal fatigue it would be hard to treat Candida completely.
So I was recommended Dr. James Wilson's protocol. After doing some research I know I have Addy and I feel he's very good. Though, there are some other, seemingly well-qualified people like Dr. Alan Christianson who have somewhat conflicting information with respect to supplements. And then there are others who say it doesn't even exist.
I would be so grateful if could just tell me if Dr. Wilson's supplements truly worked for you. I live in China and would have to fly to Hong Kong to even be able to pick up the supplements which aren't cheap as it is. Is it even worth it? I'm stressing out just trying to decide hahaha no wonder i have adrenal fatigue... Thank you so so much for any insight you could shed on my dilemma. God bless
Oh wow, Miles...I am just now seeing this. Thanks so much for commenting! Wow, China... I'm sorry you are experiencing adrenal fatigue. Yes, it is a long journey, but you really can feel better! I'm finding now though, 10 years after my crash, after working on so much physical stuff (diet, lifestyle changes, supplements, etc) that the attitudes and mindsets are the biggest kicker...because I'm still dealing with those, and they probably contribute to my stress the most. So that may be my biggest advice to someone just starting this journey. And I think only God and His truth can set us free from those things in a lasting way.
There's so much to learn about this stuff, right? And so much more info now than there was 10 years ago, and yet that can make it more confusing in some ways.
Yes, I found Dr Wilson's book and supplements to be exactly what I needed 10 years ago! Are they the best thing out there now, I'm not sure. The "medical professional" who's helped me the most so far is my friend Jessica https://www.simplestepsnutrition.com/. Unfortunatley she's not taking new patients right now, but she sells the supplements she recommends on her site. Yeah there's a ton of stuff I could recommend...but honestly if you found Dr Wilson and can get his supplements, that is probably your best bet and place to start. The key is consistency. And make sure you take a good multivitamin...that was huge for me when I crashed, and I just realized upon starting one again this week, huge for me now too (I should have stayed on one all along!).
Just to confuse you a little more ; ), I have found Young Living Essential Oils to have the absolute best supplements anywhere, and you will appreciate their Ningxia Red, from the Ningxia wolfberry: has been great for my energy support and blood sugar balance. The essential oils are more powerful than any other remedies I've found too. They do have an office in Taiwan and might be able to ship to you?? Please contact me here if interested in learning more! http://www.oilygurus.com/janel-miller/
I'm praying for you, Miles. God bless you too! (Oh and way to go off alcohol, sugar, and processed carbs!! You may feel worse at first, but that will be huge for your journey toward health! Btw I found that going gluten free was the most helpful dietary change I made.)
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