Saturday, September 23, 2017

Immunity boosters

When it comes to immunity...'s not so much about fighting or avoiding every germ. We all have cancer cells in our bodies, and a strong body keeps them under control and from spreading.'s not about chasing symptoms and simply getting comfortable and pain- or irritation-free again.

It's about strengthening our bodies. It's about looking for the root cause of sickness.

Symptoms are simply the smoke alarm going off to alert us to a problem inside our bodies, forcing us to take action and look for the "fire." (Not beat the heck out of the alarm or remove the battery. ; ) )

Here is a mental list I've collected over the years of immune-boosting foods and remedies that strengthen our bodies, and that we try to use regularly, and especially during sick season and while sick:

coconut oil

gobs of bone broth soup

herbal teas with cinnamon, clove, herbal chais, etc.

lemon juice and manuka honey

Berry Well elderberry juice supplement from

Bragg's apple cider vinegar

fermented food and drink from our PA farmer (delivered to our door...ask me about it!): beet kvass, sauerkraut, fermented pickles, kombucha

minimizing sugar and sweets, and using good sweeteners like stevia, raw honey, good agave, and real maple syrup from PA

lots of organic onions and garlic in cooking


Aaaaaaaaaaand a variety of brands we used to use, but don't anymore because we've found something much more powerful and worth our money...

Young Living essential oils! EOs are simply the most powerful part of the plant. The Premium Starter Kit contains 11 important immune-boosting oils (that we use daily and don't let go "out of stock" in our house!) plus a diffuser...that's where we started for immunity and wellness (my story and ordering info here)

Thieves oil (the big immunity's in the Premium Starter Kit)

Ningxia Red
(1.5 oz a day for me, .5 oz a day for the kids...made a big diff for us last winter!)

Super C
(tablets for me, chewables for kids)

Thieves mouthwash
(I swish and gargle, packs a punch)

Thieves spray
(spray little and big hands every time we get back in the car from being out)

Inner Defense capsules
(or my own capsules with 2-3 drops each of Oregano, Thyme, Lemongrass, Thieves, and Frankincense)

Life 9
(amazing probiotic)

Thieves cough drops

Lemon and other citrus oils in water
(gentle detox and immune-booster)

We use most of this stuff DAILY, esp during the winter.

Our bodies are made to heal themselves, but we have to give them what they need (and were made to run on)...consistently! You don't put gas in your car a few times a year. ;)

Wellness is complicated and our bodies are "fearfully and wonderfully made." We need to get sick sometimes for detox and rest. But there's so much we can do to be proactive, and God has given us so many beautiful, natural, safe, side-effect-free and truly nourishing "wellness treats" to use!

Saturday, June 24, 2017

Living clean is the only way to live!

My friend Ginger so graciously asked me to speak at her wellness mini-retreat about chemical-free living and I was incredibly honored to do so. I decided to hit the high points for her class, and contain a fuller version here. Thanks Ginger! I've been wanting to write this out for a long time.

Why should we care about our health?


Even the most cursory study reveals that our bodies are--both in macro and micro--a whole universe unto themselves. Facts like this defy comprehension: it's estimated that the human body contains 60,000 miles of blood vessels, which is 2.5 times around the earth! And the string of DNA inside each and every cell is a full 6 feet long, all squished down into something we can't even see with the naked eye.

Such a body deserves, not abuse or neglect, but attention, thanks, and lots of love. We expect to maintain our cars and appliances, should we not maintain this masterpiece machine that affects how we live and feel on a daily basis?


Christians have the added privilege and charge to uphold our bodies as the temple of the Holy Spirit. Reading chapter after chapter of God's detailed "architectural plans" for the Tabernacle in the Old Testament is one illustration that He cares about every detail of His dwelling. ("...You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body." I Corinthians 6:19-20)

Strength to serve

"You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, strength, and mind" and "love your neighbor as yourself" are the two greatest commandments. That means they are God's first priority for His children, and bring the most blessing when we do them!

But if I'm weak and sick and tired and dragging down my body with a chemical burden it was never meant to bear, then how will I have strength to serve? Yes, God gives sickness to His children at times so we can learn and grow and to glorify Himself through our weakness. But God forbid that I should not being doing everything in my power to get and stay well.

(Plus, take it from chronically-ill-for-ten-years me, it's just not fun to be sick, and totally worth every bit of effort to stay and get well! Friends, please don't take your health and energy for granted; take heed and preserve it so you can play with your grandchildren someday! ...Actually, I'm talking to myself here....)

The situation

There's so much about our environment that we cannot control at this point. Just for one example, there is evidence that the water supply is...

...contaminated with glyphosate (the active ingredient in Roundup) that's been sprayed on food and then run into streams and rivers;

...contains high estrogen levels from pee'ed out birth control pills;

...contains tiny bits of plastic that have come off recycled clothing (polyester) in washing machines...and now the fish are eating the plastic in the water...and we eat the fish...and the cycle of contamination continues. Not to mention all the chemicals put into our city water, that include arsenic, lead, chlorine, fluoride, etc etc. And that's just water.

However, there is so much we CAN do. And frankly, we'd better, especially since our bodies are already assaulted by what we can't control. All that we CAN do is both a privilege and a responsibility. Be encouraged...there's so much you can do to support your health and happiness! It's simply a matter of being aware, and replacing what you are already buying and using with quality, natural products that nurture our bodies. More on that in a minute. But first, more bad news. ; }

I didn't get it

I'm so grateful for those who took the time to educate me about what chemicals and synthetics were doing to my body. I had heard that certain products were "bad for you" or contributed to cancer, but that still didn't mean anything to me until my friend Bronwyn (check out her helpful blog! I just found non-toxic nail polish recs on there...lots of good stuff!) explained HOW they were affecting me. As you can see from my Addy blog, dear reader, I've been on a 10-year journey with adrenal fatigue and Hashimoto's hypothyroidism, and I've spent buttloads of money on supplements and holistic doctors. I had no idea that my "cucumber fresh" deodorant and my minty foamy toothpaste and my window cleaning spray were actually working against my exorbitant efforts and money spent to get well.

When Bronwyn explained it to me almost three years ago, I finally got it. And because I also had wonderful products to replace those things with, it was an enlightening and empowering experience! That's what I want for y'all too! So that's why I share this stuff.


I don't know about you, but the stats make this real for me. Here are just a few:

Within 26 seconds of washing your hair, chemicals from shampoo can be found in your bloodstream.

The word "fragrance" in an ingredients list can stand for up to 100 different chemicals.

We assume if it's sold in stores, that it's safe. But that's simply not true. There are hundreds of chemicals banned in other countries for the cosmetic industry alone, that are not banned in the US. (Here's a few.) So that should tell you something. (Of course, instead of increasing the burden of more government regulation in our country, I believe an educated consumer base influencing business decisions in a free market is the most effective and enduring way to effect change. We vote with our dollars every day.)

This is a comprehensive study listing personal care and household products contributing to cancer. Whew, it's a long list, but how wonderful that there's so much we can do to protect ourselves and our families!

As for me, I don't need a greater risk of cancer than I already have from the 12,000 free radicals assaulting each of my 37 trillion cells every day. And my hormones are already wacked out enough without being further imbalanced by endocrine disruptors like xenoestrogens.

Here's a UN study of common household products linked to disease.

Back to Roundup, would you spray it in your mouth or your kids' mouths? No way! And yet that's what they are spraying on our produce and grains. The active ingredient in Roundup is called glyphosate, and it blocks 80 percent of minerals from being absorbed in our bodies and destroys healthy gut bacterial, weakening our bodies and leaving us as sitting ducks for disease.

Barium is a chemical found in industrial pollution, fluorescent lights, and electronics, and was also used in chemical warfare in the Middle East to sicken and weaken the enemy.

With a heavy heart I say that this is just the tip of the iceburg. Does all this only affect you? No, the effects are generational. Babies are now born toxic. : (

What you can do!

The Environmental Working Group has a handy website that rates thousands of personal care and household cleaning products based on overall hazard, cancer risk, developmental and reproductive toxicity, allergies and immunotoxicity, asthma and respiratory, and skin allergies and irritation. They give it an A-F or 1-10 rating, and rate each ingredient, and tell you the why's. I'm super grateful for these vigilant peeps!

Look up your personal care products and makeup here.

And look up your household cleaning products here.

Does replacing toxic products make a difference for your health and happiness? Is it worth the extra upfront cost? (Which btw, you are either going to pay now or later...and later sucks. : (  )

Yes! Overall health is determined mostly by daily choices and habits. It's simply a matter of choosing purity over impurity, natural over synthetic when possible, life-nuturing over death-contributing. (And remember, if it's synthetic and it kills other forms of life like weeds, insects, algae, or bacteria, it is probably bad for humans too.)

This is not about buying a bunch of new stuff, but over time replacing toxic products with pure safe ones. This is a journey.

As an example of the difference small choices make, one study measured the glyphosate in children's urine while they were eating conventional food, and it was high. When the kids started eating organic food, there was a sizable drop in the glyphosate in their urine, and it went back up when they started eating non-organic food again. Another study noted a clear correlation between a person's glyphosate levels and many common diseases.

I know organic food is more expensive (trust should see our food bill every month! what with all our family's food allergies too...), but I'm to the point of realizing--especially with my family's health issues--that it's honestly not worth buying "chemical" produce anymore. I would rather do without (at least from the Dirty Dozen list) than put more poison in our bodies. (And btw, meat and milk and grains are even more important to buy organic.) And Trader Joe's and Costco have so many organic options now!

Speaking of healthy options, I am so grateful for all the clean companies and healthy natural resources out there!! Thank God for His ever-present grace and mercy, always providing a "way out" for His children.

"Overcome evil with good."

So not only reveals the bad products, it is a resource for finding clean ones.

Find safe cleaning products here.

Find safe personal care products here.

EWG also has a handy app to use for shopping, and so does Think Dirty.


My husband said I got y'all all scared about water, so I would be remiss in not recommending our amazing water filter, Berkey, which is the best water filter on the market, besides whole-house reverse osmosis, I believe.

The BEST overall resource I've found (da-da-da-daaaaaaaaaaah)

You didn't think I'd leave y'all hanging, with no awesome solution to offer, did you?? Way to persevere through the bad news and value your health enough to keep reading!

I had been sick for 7 years and tried countless natural remedies and supplements. And then...

Young Living entered my life. Or rather God said, let me reeeeally bless you, my dear. <3

God, in His mercy, looked down through the corridors of time and saw a place in history where man was gonna really pollute and screw up His beautiful world. And pay a huge price for it. So He hid essential oils (the "lifeblood") in plants all around us, to be discovered, enjoyed, and give restoration to people throughout history.

Essential oils are mentioned hundreds of times throughout Scripture. They are the best way I've found to take control of our health, embrace natural goodness and purity, and give our bodies what they crave. One drop of Peppermint oil compares to 27 cups of peppermint tea...and pure essential oils are alive, while most herbs are dried plant matter. So you can see that potency = more bang for your buck. (Plus one drop of Peppermint--which gives almost instant tummy support for us, for example--costs just $.09.)

But once again, purity is paramount. Please don't replace toxic chemicals with essential oils that contain toxic an even more concentrated form! This is very important, friends. I am not a brand snob (ok, maybe just a little ; )), but it's just the facts that Young Living is the ONLY company with the "seed to seal" guarantee of purity. Gary Young was the pioneer and visionary who finally found someone in France to teach him how to correctly distill EOs, and then over 20 years ago brought a handful of organic lavender seeds back to the US and started this whole essential oil revolution! Go to the source.

Young Living not only has the only essential oils worth buying (beware: many have fallen instantly in love, including myself), but they have over 700 vitamins and supplements, personal care products, cleaning products, and now even MAKE-UP that are infused with their essential oils, and made from the cleanest ingredients on earth.

See why I am over-the-moon about this company?! And there's countless more good things about them, but that's for you to discover. ; ) I fell in love almost three years ago, and use Young Living essential oils and products as our family's primary go-to for healthy bodies, emotions, and minds.

I couldn't stop sharing with friends what these oils were doing for us, and how they could help them. It is such a joy for me, burdened by all this "bad news," to have such good news to share with my friends, and to connect you with a company I have checked out and thoroughly trust. Click here to learn more, and be sure to read the "Smelly Nellie" blog post at the bottom of the page which details how we've replaced toxic products mostly with Young Living's yummy ones! Please ask me questions through the "contact" portion at the top of the link! Or just go ahead and order your Premium Starter Kit, add a Thieves Household Cleaner and some Aromabright toothpaste to start your "ditch and switch" journey, and I'll be in touch with support and resources!


To wrap up, I'd like to remind us of Jesus' words, "It's not what goes into a man that defiles him, but what comes out of a man." The truly really bad chemicals can come from our own thoughts. I've heard (from Gary Young actually) that when we think a thought, a molecule is created, and it either gives life or death to our bodies. Overcoming evil with good is most important in our hearts.

Let us not be depressed by this information: "Be of good cheer, I have overcome the world." (John 16:33)

Let us not be overwhelmed: "When my anxious thoughts multiply within me, Thy consolations delight my soul." (Psalm 94:19)

Let us not fear (in an obsessive way), but embrace peace and empowerment. We are responsible to do what we can, but healing and protection and provision come from the Lord!

"The Lord will keep you from all harm--He will watch over your life; the Lord will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore." Psalm 121:7-8

Two wonderful blogs for education and alternatives are and Bronwyn's blog she's been keeping for about a decade

Saturday, March 11, 2017

Hashimoto's in a nutshell

I watched this interview with Dr. Izabella Wentz the other night while folding laundry (which is the only way watching or laundry gets done!). Wow! Such wise distilled, practical knowledge from someone who truly understands. She explains what Hashimoto's is and how to cure it in simple terms and doable steps (much of which I am doing through my nutritionist friend Jessica Bischoff, whom I recommend far and wide!)

Dr Wentz says...

97% of people on thyroid supplement have Hashimoto's (the thyroid autoimmune disease)

27% of the US population have Hashimoto's

20% of mental illness is caused by Hashimoto's

If you have adrenal fatigue (the adrenals and thyroid work so closely together and if one is unbalanced, the other one probably is too) or take thyroid supplement of any kind, please do yourself a favor and listen to this! It could save you alot of time, energy, money, LIFE.

Thursday, November 19, 2015

"Simple" steps

I talk with people here and there who have some degree of adrenal fatigue/low thyroid function, and I try to boil down what I did in simple steps they can take right now. It's hard. So many compounded stresses, untruthful mindsets, and daily lifestyle decisions factor into the end result...crash! It happens very slowly over time. So it takes a long time to climb back out of the pit. But you CAN and MUST do it, one step at a time.

And God really will lead you, with light and guidance for each step, as you take them, as He did for me. One symptom of adrenal fatigue is feeling overwhelmed, so pick one of these steps (or others found in good books on the subject) to focus on first, and ask God to guide you to the next one.

Here's my attempt at a "boiled down" list of the steps that helped me the most. Every time I need to take a new step, I have this overwhelmed feeling that I just can't do anything more than what I'm already doing. It's too hard, it's too much. But when I become convinced (or often "forced," ie backed into a corner) to take it, it opens up a whole new world of wellness and learning and opportunity! I pray that happens for you as well.

1. Ask God for help. "Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy laden, and I will give you rest..." Matt 11:28-30 "...He gives power to the faint, and to him who has no strength He increases might..." Isaiah 40:28-30

2. Rest. All you want to do is sleep? Don't get excited about the things you used to because daily functioning is already overwhelming? Your body is crying out for rest, and enabling you to get it...ennui can be a gift if it forces me to get the sleep my body so desperately needs. Sleep, rest, recreation, light exercise, reading a good book, restful vacation, getting away, "5 minutes peace," an edifying Bible study group, laughter and edifying amusement, possibly journaling/an outlet, art, God's creation, and quiet time with the Lord...these are things your body and soul need extra much right now. (And yes, I'm talking to ME here. ; ) Sometimes it's easier to get more rest when you've all-out crashed, than when you're feeling well enough to do lots of things but probably too many.)

3. Get the book Adrenal Fatigue: The 21st Century Stress Syndrome by Dr. James Wilson, read it to learn about adrenal fatigue and figure out if those are your symptom, and work on making the attitude, lifestyle, and dietary changes he recommends. This book was huge for me early on.

4. Find a alternative/natural/holistic/integrative doctor who specializes in adrenal/thyroid/hormonal imbalances and/or "mysterious" illness. I love Dr. Jennifer Rabenhorst and her team at Integrative Family Medicine off Shaker Drive in Columbia, MD.

5. Food allergy/sensitivity testing (IgG) revealed allergens in my blood to gobs of healthy food I was eating daily that my food was spending precious energy fighting, and which were also causing leaky gut. I went off those short term and that helped. At the recommendation of Dr. R, I went gluten free two years ago (!), and had much more energy/wellness from day 1! (after resisting the idea for years...yes, you can do it!) Going GF is the single biggest dietary change you can make for adrenal/thyroid issues.

5. Essential oils bring balance to the body and support the body both physically and emotionally. I've used a boatload of natural herbs and supplements, and Young Living essential oils are by far the most powerful and effective "natural supplement" out there. Ask me and I'm happy to tell you more! ; )

6. Cleansing...yes, we clean out all our appliances, cars, and vacuum cleaners, but never stop to think our bodies need cleansing. Once I started learning about all the toxins and chemicals in our air, water, food, household cleaners, personal care products, plastic, etc etc and how they were building up in my body and causing scary imbalances, it was all the motivation I need to start cleansing my body systems and organs as explained in the book Inner Transformations by Leann Dearduff (ask me about this one before you spend too much on amazon ; )).

How's that for a "start"?! I'll try to elaborate on these and add some links etc when I can. May the Lord bless your journey to energy and wellness!!

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Essential oils!

Hi friend, I know this blog is grossly un-updated. (Having twins 2.5 years ago didn't help.
; )) I'm working to fix that (when I can), but the latest and greatest help that God has led me to for supporting my energy level and strengthening my body is essential oils. I'm so grateful to my friend Bronwyn Deiter, who has also struggled with adrenal/thyroid deficiency for about as long as I have, who introduced me to oils. Here's some of my oily story and I'll try to write more soon!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Thank God for good doctors (and good mothers who find them)!

My Mom continues to be one of the greatest forces for good in my life, and this has certainly proved true in the health arena. As I mentioned below, she helped me locate Mary Shomon's doctor in McLean, VA, which isn't toooo far from Columbia. One has to navigate the infamous Washington beltway to get there, but even with the beltway traffic it was worth it to find a good doctor who speaks my language and whom I can trust to restore my energy level and...well-being!

Dr. Adrienne Clamp at Well Being - Being Well has been wonderful. My first appointment was 2 hours long, and much of that was spent with her, explaining my health history in a variety of areas and getting her feedback.

I retook the saliva test, and went to Labcorps to have blood drawn for an array of indicators, including iron, B vitamins, vitamin D, cortisol, thyroid antibodies, etc. As it turns out, my thyroid supplement needs a little tweaking because my T4 is low, and I was low in vitamin D, iron, and selenium. I do have Hashimoto's or thyroid antibodies, meaning my immune system is producing cells that could attack my thyroid, as I understand it. However, my number is relatively low and Dr. Clamp didn't seem worried. Furthermore, it seems that everyone who is hypothyroid has thyroid antibodies. One of my friends has brought her numbers down through a gluten-free diet, but I pray to God I don't have to do that! (I tried it for a week and it's hard!)

Also, my saliva test revealed that my adrenal glands are no longer depressed...they're stressed. [Wry smile] My cortisol levels are slightly elevated, but at least this means my adrenals are back to normal and functioning properly, just overly so. Why am I so stressed I ask myself? Dr. Clamp and I agreed that I'm a busy mom and that's why. "Well I do get uptight about every little thing that happens," I said to my husband that night at dinner. He laughed at this self-revelation.

Dr. Clamp put me on 5,000 IU/day of vitamin D, more selenium, an adaptogen (herbs that help your body deal with stress) mix, and iron with "liver fractions" for absorbability. She also tweaked my thyroid prescription to receive only T3 in compounded form and T4 in synthetic form, I believe. And I only take it once in the morning vs. twice a day, which is so much nicer. Gone is the 3:00 pm alarm on my phone! I was most sluggish in the morning, and the T4 I was formerly taking was slow release, which you really don't need anyway since T4 stays in your system for days. Now I get a T4 "shot in the arm" first thing in the morning and that should help. I just started on it today, so we'll see how the next few weeks go.

I think I'm starting to feel better after four days on the supplements, but time will tell. You can be sure I'll keep you posted!

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Some new doc recs

My Mom has had mysterious, painful, debilitating symptoms that resemble allergies for over 30 years off and on, and might finally have found a doctor who understands, her fourteenth doctor to visit I believe. He thinks my dear persevering Mother's symptoms, based on her round of lab tests, are due primarily to thyroid and adrenal causes. Amazing. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree, does it? (Ten points if you can tell me what 80s chickster movie that line comes from. Would adding "Marilla" to the end of it help?)

How did my Mom find this excellent doctor, you ask. Through Mary Shomon who wrote a book she found extremely helpful, Living Well with Hypothyroidism, which you should be able to get at your local library. Mary keeps a running tally of extremely good thyroid- and possibly adrenally-minded doctors listed by state.

As soon as I have weaned my daughter, I hope to visit Mary's own doctor who practices in the McLean, VA, area and see where on the charts my adrenals and thyroid are, and what I can do about it if they're still low. Thank God for these doctors!